The Living Bridge Center- Dalton, Georgia

Floating Tree is so excited to partner with The Living Bridge Center in Dalton, Georgia. This partnership includes a home grow bucket garden distribution to the clients of the Living Bridge Center as well as a community garden located at the Living Bridge! We expect this dual approach to maximize the food distributed and gardening opportunities created.
We have great grow bucket garden resources coming soon!
Resources to help you start and maintain a grow bucket garden at home! If you would like a grow bucket garden, reach out to us at spencer@floatingtree.org!
Build your own grow bucket!
Follow along as Spencer demonstrates how to construct a grow bucket.

How to Use a Grow Bucket
Floating Tree is in the process of producing a demonstration video so you can learn how to grow produce in your grow bucket. Check back soon!

Grow Bucket FAQs
Floating Tree is developing FAQ resources so you can easily navigate growing produce in your grow bucket. Check back soon!